The Jellybean Test by Steve Massie and David Lloyd
"Whether you’re feeding for optimal milk production or focusing on increasing rates of gain,
"Whether you’re feeding for optimal milk production or focusing on increasing rates of gain,
"Maintaining good udder health and low bulk tank somatic cell counts (SCC) is increasingly
"Steve, you gotta take that expensive blood meal out of my mix. That stuff
"Back in 1990, I worked with my first 90-pound dairy herd. It was a
"Will you have enough forage until next harvest? Drought in the Southwest, late planting,
"Sound reproductive programs are one of the keys to dairy profitability. Perhaps no other
“Corn grain is a seed first, then a feed,” to paraphrase Pat Hoffman, professor
"Lameness is one of the top welfare considerations and economic limitations in the U.S.
"Researchers have been active in the area of calf early life nutrition and precision
"Optimum forage quality is critical with grain, commodity and forage prices at historic highs.